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Child Health Institute of New Jersey



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The Rutgers Board of Governors announced the promotion of Dr. Zhiping Pang to Full Professor at its June, 2023 meeting. Dr. Pang is a founding member of the CHINJ, having joined us from Stanford in the Fall of 2011. He is recognized worldwide for his cutting-edge research on altered neuronal synapse function in a range of neuropsychiatric diseases including neuropsychiatric disorders, autism and neurodevelopmental disorders, satiety and feeding and addictions. His research leadership was also recently recognized by NIH with the award of an RM1 grant together with Dr. Jennifer Mulle (Rutgers-CABM) and Dr. Jubao Duan (Northshore University Health) to use stem cell technologies to study genes that cause neuropsychiatric disorders.   

Congratulations to Dr. Pang on this well-deserved promotion!!!

Arnold Rabson

Congratulations to Arnold B. Rabson, MD, Laura Gallagher Chair of Developmental Biology and director of the Child Health Institute of New Jersey, who received the 2023 Sidwell Friends Distinguished Alumni Award.  The award is presented to nominated alumni of reunion classes who have shown distinguished service to their community or within their profession. 

Watch this video produced by Sidwell Friends in honor of Dr. Rabson.



As part of the Rutgers commencement week, Dr. Zhiping Pang, Associate Professor, Division of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Department of Pediatrics, RWJMS, received the Rutgers Presidential Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award.  This award recognizes tenured faculty members whose breadth of academic portfolios reflect outstanding research, scholarship, or creative work, as well as truly outstanding contributions to teaching along with extensive service to the Rutgers community and beyond.  


Mark A. Rossi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, received a grant award from the Whitehall Foundation, Inc in the amount of $300,000 to support his ongoing research project for a 3 year period.  The goals of his project titled, “Linking hypothalamic GABAergic activity with adaptive behavior” is to uncover the relationship between LHAGABA network activity and adaptive behavior.

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Dr. Zhiping Pang received notice of the award of a major new grant from the National Institute of Mental Health entitled "Assay and Data Generation Center for the Model of iPSC-derived Neurons for Neuropsychiatric Diseases".  This five-year grant of $8.73 million, obtained in collaboration with Jennifer Mulle at Rutgers Health (Psychiatry and CABM) and Jubao Duan at North Shore University Health System, will develop a pipeline study the molecular and neurobiological effects of up to 200 genes implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disease and depression.